About Erlangen National Center for High Performance Computing (NHR@FAU)
HPC Expertise
Courses with this focus are offered all over Germany and worldwide. For instance, RRZE HPC experts act as external trainers of the PATCs (PRACE Advanced Training Centers).
Sparse Matrix-Vector-Algorithms and the GHOST Library
Research activities at the RRZE have been ongoing since the year 2000 and are currently being conducted in the DFG priority programme “SPPEXA” under the “ESSEX” project.
Development of the LIKWID Multicore Toolsuite
LIKWID is an easy to install collection of tools that simplify the handling of multicore systems under the Linux OS. LIKWID can also be used as a monitoring backend and is already in operation in many computing centers of the GA. The development has started in 2009 and is currently being funded through the BMBF project “FEPA”.