
Parallele Programming
PETSc, pronounced PET-see (the S is silent), is a suite of data structures and routines for the scalable (parallel) solution of scientific applications modeled by partial differential equations. (Source: )

Locations and versions:

 TU Dresden  Universität Paderborn  TU Darmstadt
(Click to refine by location - Reset filter - Expand all - Collapse all)

Major 3

    3.19.0  TU Darmstadt

    3.15.0  TU Darmstadt

    3.14.1  TU Darmstadt

    3.13.0  TU Darmstadt

    3.12.5  TU Darmstadt

    3.11.0  TU Darmstadt

    3.10.4  TU Darmstadt

    Minor 3.7

      3.7.3  TU Dresden

      3.7.2  TU Dresden

    3.6.1  Universität Paderborn

    Minor 3.4

      3.4.4  TU Dresden

      3.4.3  TU Dresden

    Minor 3.3

      Patch 3.3.0

        3.3-p7  TU Dresden

        3.3-p6  TU Dresden

    3.2-p7  TU Dresden

    Minor 3.1

      Patch 3.1.0

        3.1-p8-p  TU Dresden

        3.1-p8  TU Dresden