HPC in Germany - Who? What? Where?
Center for Scientific Computing

823 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 69.00 TiB (Main Memory)
848 Nodes (Unknown QDR-Infiniband, FDR-Infiniband) , 18,960 CPU Cores (Intel, AMD)
700 GPGPUs (AMD)

41 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 18.00 TiB (Main Memory)
358 Nodes (Unknown QDR-Infiniband) , 6,456 CPU Cores (AMD)
Deutscher Wetterdienst

11.220 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 216.00 TiB (Main Memory)
508 Nodes , 36,864 CPU Cores (NEC)

8.630 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 166.00 TiB (Main Memory)
391 Nodes , 28,352 CPU Cores (NEC)
Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron
2.321 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 393.00 TiB (Main Memory)
764 Nodes , 26,732 CPU Cores (Intel, AMD)
282 GPGPUs (Nvidia)
Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH

16.600 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 863.00 TiB (Main Memory)
3,042 Nodes , 389,376 CPU Cores (AMD)
240 GPGPUs (Nvidia)
Competence Center High Performance Computing (CC-HPC)

67 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 14.00 TiB (Main Memory)
198 Nodes (Unknown FDR-Infiniband) , 3,224 CPU Cores (Intel)
2 GPGPUs (Nvidia)

35 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 6.00 TiB (Main Memory)
90 Nodes (Unknown FDR-Infiniband, QDR-Infiniband) , 1,584 CPU Cores (Intel)
3 GPGPUs (Nvidia) , 2 Many Core Processors (Intel)
Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen

2.883 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 90.00 TiB (Main Memory)
402 Nodes (Unknown QDR-Infiniband, FDR-Infiniband, Intel Omnipath, FDR-Infiniband) , 16,640 CPU Cores (Intel, AMD)
278 GPGPUs (Nvidia) , 302 Applications (454 Versions)

8.261 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 487.00 TiB (Main Memory)
1,473 Nodes (Intel Omnipath) , 116,152 CPU Cores (Intel)
12 GPGPUs (Nvidia)

8.500 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 549.00 TiB (Main Memory)
1,229 Nodes ( HDR100-Infiniband, Mellanox HDR100-Infiniband) , 122,816 CPU Cores (Intel, AMD)
84 GPGPUs (Nvidia, Intel)
Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart

26.000 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 1.00 PiB (Main Memory)
5,656 Nodes (Mellanox HDR200-Infiniband) , 723,968 CPU Cores (AMD)
192 GPGPUs (Nvidia)

120.00 TiB (Main Memory)
476 Nodes , 14,480 CPU Cores (Intel, NEC)
16 GPGPUs (AMD, Nvidia)
IT Center of RWTH Aachen University

4.965 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 245.00 TiB (Main Memory)
1,307 Nodes (Intel Omnipath) , 62,736 CPU Cores (Intel)
96 GPGPUs (Nvidia)

11.484 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 226.00 TiB (Main Memory)
684 Nodes , 65,664 CPU Cores (Intel)
208 GPGPUs (Nvidia)
Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)

85.000 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 749.00 TiB (Main Memory)
3,515 Nodes (Mellanox EDR-Infiniband, HDR200-Infiniband) , 168,208 CPU Cores (Intel, AMD)
3956 GPGPUs (Nvidia)

18.520 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 444.00 TiB (Main Memory)
780 Nodes (Mellanox HDR100-Infiniband) , 99,840 CPU Cores (AMD)
768 GPGPUs (Nvidia)
Zuse-Institut Berlin

7.907 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 444.00 TiB (Main Memory)
1,146 Nodes (Intel Omnipath) , 110,016 CPU Cores (Intel)
Leibniz-Rechenzentrum der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

54.860 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 822.00 TiB (Main Memory)
6,720 Nodes (Intel Omnipath, Mellanox HDR200-Infiniband) , 337,920 CPU Cores (Intel)
960 GPGPUs (Intel)
Max Planck Computing & Data Facility

24.800 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 517.00 TiB (Main Memory)
1,784 Nodes , 128,448 CPU Cores (Intel)
768 GPGPUs (Nvidia)
4.900 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 445.00 TiB (Main Memory)
768 Nodes , 98,304 CPU Cores (AMD)
Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing

835 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 51.00 TiB (Main Memory)
274 Nodes (Intel Omnipath) , 10,960 CPU Cores (Intel)
18 GPGPUs (Nvidia)

7.100 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 347.00 TiB (Main Memory)
1,121 Nodes (Mellanox HDR100-Infiniband) , 143,488 CPU Cores (AMD)
136 GPGPUs (Nvidia) , 80 FPGAs (Bittware, AMD XILINX)
Regionales Hochschulrechenzentrum Kaiserslautern-Landau (RHRZ)
3.072 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 52.00 TiB (Main Memory)
489 Nodes (Unknown QDR-Infiniband, Intel Omnipath) , 10,520 CPU Cores (Intel, AMD)
56 GPGPUs (Nvidia) , 56 Applications (228 Versions)
Regionales Rechenzentrum der Universität zu Köln

100 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 35.00 TiB (Main Memory)
841 Nodes (Unknown QDR-Infiniband) , 9,712 CPU Cores (Intel)
Scientific Computing Center

155.00 TiB (Main Memory)
837 Nodes ( HDR200-Infiniband) , 40,608 CPU Cores (Intel)
196 GPGPUs (Nvidia)

259.00 TiB (Main Memory)
791 Nodes ( HDR200-Infiniband) , 59,852 CPU Cores (Intel, AMD)
756 GPGPUs (Nvidia)
Scientific Computing Center
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung

379 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 88.00 TiB (Main Memory)
570 Nodes (Unknown QDR-Infiniband) , 35,760 CPU Cores (Intel, AMD)
52 GPGPUs (Nvidia) , 8 Many Core Processors (Intel)
106 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 10.00 TiB (Main Memory)
320 Nodes (Unknown QDR-Infiniband) , 5,120 CPU Cores (Intel)
3.125 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 190.00 TiB (Main Memory)
1,948 Nodes (Intel Omnipath) , 52,248 CPU Cores (Intel)
188 GPGPUs (Nvidia, NEC)
Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing
5.443 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 34.00 TiB (Main Memory)
34 Nodes ( HDR200-Infiniband) , 1,632 CPU Cores (AMD)
272 GPGPUs (Nvidia)

4.050 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 315.00 TiB (Main Memory)
630 Nodes ( HDR100-Infiniband) , 65,520 CPU Cores (Intel)
Erlangen National Center for High Performance Computing (NHR@FAU)

511 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 46.00 TiB (Main Memory)
728 Nodes (Intel Omnipath) , 14,560 CPU Cores (Intel)
21 Applications (61 Versions)

5.00 TiB (Main Memory)
45 Nodes , 1,392 CPU Cores (Intel, AMD)
208 GPGPUs (Nvidia) , 3 Applications (8 Versions)

6.080 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 78.00 TiB (Main Memory)
82 Nodes (Mellanox HDR200-Infiniband, HDR200-Infiniband) , 10,496 CPU Cores (AMD)
656 GPGPUs (Nvidia)

5.450 TFlop/s (Peak Performance) , 248.00 TiB (Main Memory)
992 Nodes (Mellanox HDR100-Infiniband) , 71,424 CPU Cores (Intel)