At booth no. 2606, DKRZ will present its new "high-performance computing system for Earth system research 3" (HLRE-3/Mistral). It consists of computer components by Bull/Atos and a new hierarchical storage management system (HSM) by IBM. Since 1 July, the first phase of the supercomputer is available to DKRZ’s users.
At the DKRZ booth, visitors will also receive information about the new, EU-funded project ESiWACE (Centre of Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe), which is coordinated by DKRZ, which will start in October 2015. The main focus of ESiWACE will be on the development of HPC solutions specially tailored to the requirements of weather and climate modeling, covering the full spectrum: from the development of specific software solutions to user services for simulation and data storage.
On a monitor, DKRZ will show visualizations that were part of the German contribution to the latest IPCC world climate report AR5. These animations include scenarios of future temperature, precipitation or land-use changes, formation of clouds in the atmosphere, arctic sea ice cover in the Arctic up to simulated volcano eruptions and ocean currents.
Booth: 2606HLRS
HLRS - a European Tier 0 center and member of GCS - supports German and European researchers with leading edge supercomputing technology and services. Industrial support goes through hww GmbH. Special support for SMEs is provided through SICOS GmbH.
Booth: 343JSC
Juelich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) at Forschungszentrum Juelich is operating the most powerful German supercomputer, JUQUEEN, providing resources to national and European researchers through the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS) and the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE). JSC has been fostering and developing scientific high-performance computing since 1983, conducting interdisciplinary, supercomputer-oriented scientific research, and offering education and training in cooperation with other computer centers, universities, and research institutes throughout Germany and Europe.
Booth: 233LRZ
Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) is one of Germany's national HPC centers and is involved in national and international projects such as D-Grid, PRACE and LCG. LRZ is part of the German Gauss Centre for Supercomputing. LRZ will showcase simulations on its current HPC systems and provide details about its new, highly energy-efficient 3 Petaflop/s system SuperMUC.
Booth: 2328ZIH
The Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH) at TU Dresden (TUD), in Dresden, Germany, is an established competence center for high performance computing and software tools with a focus on energy efficiency and performance evaluation and optimization of parallel applications. It is the home of the well known and widely used Vampir performance analysis tool. ZIH also creates advanced tracing technologies as well as scalable solutions for energy efficiency monitoring and optimization with very fine temporal and spatial granularities. ZIH provides unique compute and storage facilities for data-intensive scientific computing for scientists in the Free State of Saxony.
Booth: 1351