Logo des Scientific Computing Center / KIT Scientific Computing Center

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About Scientific Computing Center

The Scientific Computing Center (SCC) is the information technology center of KIT. The SCC not only provides IT services for a big research institution, but also SCC does research in the topics of scientific computing and data analysis, management of large scale research data and data intensive computing as well as secure IT-federations.

On behalf of the State of Baden-Württemberg and as a member of the Nation High Performance Computing Alliance (NHR), SCC runs a Tier-2 high performance computing system (HoreKa) for nationwide users with focus on Energy, Mobility and Environmental research, the Earth System or Material sciences. The Petaflop system is very energy-efficient and it works through a ‘hot-water cooling’ which won the first place at the ‘Deutscher Rechenzentrumspreis’ 2017.

Furthermore SCC provides the joint high-performance computer system of Baden-Württemberg's Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences for general purpose and teaching, i.e., bwUniCluster 2.0. For the international high-energy physics community, the SCC operates a German WLCG-Tier-1 data and analysis center with GridKa for storing, analyzing and archiving the data of the LHC-accelerator at CERN.

HPC Expertise

  • Management and archiving of large scale and unique data
  • Scientific Computing, especially for Engineering Sciences
  • Methods for secure IT federations
  • Optimization of Data Life Cycles in Climate and Environmental Research
  • Data intensive computing and data analysis with most modern techniques from industry and science.

Steinbuch Centre for Computing


HPC Expertise


HPC Systems


HoreKa - Lenovo ThinkSystem

since June 2021 - learn more - Top500.org
GPU nodes MPP system Tier 2 hpc system
791 Nodes
259.00 TiB
Main Memory
59,852 CPU Cores
Intel, AMD
756 GPGPUs
bwUniCluster 2.0 Stufe 1

bwUniCluster 2.0 - Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) ProLiant Lenovo ThinkSystem

since March 2020 - Last Update: November 2022 - learn more
GPU nodes MPP system SMP nodes Tier 3 hpc system
837 Nodes
155.00 TiB
Main Memory
40,608 CPU Cores
196 GPGPUs

File Systems

WORK file system

bwUniCluster 2.0 Work (DDN EXAScaler Lustre)

since March 2020
HDD Symbol

HoreKa File System HKFS (Work) (IBM Spectrum Scale GPFS)

since June 2021
HDD Symbol
18000 TB
disk storage

Full flash file system PFS6 (Work) (IBM Spectrum Scale GPFS)

since June 2021
HDD Symbol
250 TB
disk storage

Large Scale Data Facility LSDF (Work) (IBM Spectrum Scale GPFS)

since June 2021
HDD Symbol
24000 TB
disk storage

HOME file system

bwUniCluster 2.0 Home (DDN EXAScaler Lustre)

since March 2020
HDD Symbol

HoreKa File System HKFS (Home) (IBM Spectrum Scale GPFS)

since June 2021
HDD Symbol
3000 TB
disk storage

HPC Networks and Alliances


Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Scientific Computing Center
Zirkel 2
73131 Karlsruhe