Anwendungsorientierte HPC-Software für das Hoch- und Höchstleistungsrechnen in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft - 4. HPC-Call
The development of the digital economy and society is one of the future tasks of the Federal Government's "New High-Tech Strategy - Innovations for Germany". Within the scope of the funding program "ICT 2020 - Research for Innovation", the BMBF supports the research focus "High Performance Computing (HPC)" with the 4th HPC Call. In order to further expand the international competitiveness of Germany in this area, this measure is intended to support HPC users in the sustainable exploitation of the potential of modern HPC architectures for their own research and to enable innovations in the area of HPC methodology / tools / software. Interdisciplinary collaborative projects address the software challenges for many-core environments and highly scalable computers based on specific applications. In addition, the competence building of HPC experts and users as well as the profiling of the HPC scientists, the support of education and training as well as the radiant power of the activities beyond project boundaries are important promotion criteria.