Microorganisms and turbulence: high-performance computing in water quality prediction
(Parallel Session: BW-Stift. I)
The quality of surface water typically depends upon a complex interplay between physical, chemical and biological factors which are far from being completely understood today. Nevertheless, ensuring an acceptable water quality is a crucial requirement in many environmentally-relevant processes. As a consequence, there still exist large uncertainties related to quality predictions based on state-of-the-art mathematical models of surface water bodies. One of the major shortcomings of the common approaches is their strong simplification with respect to turbulent transport phenomena (often treated with a statistical model and empirically-fitted coefficients) as well as to the multiphase nature of the surface water system. Within the project "microorganisms and turbulence", we are aiming to provide detailed numerical data on the spreading of microorganisms in streaming water bodies, which will later be used to improve simpler models for water quality prediction. Therefore, we conduct several direct numerical simulations (DNS) of turbulent open-channel flow, which are coupled with other physical and microbiological processes. This includes the transport and population dynamics of dissolved and deposited bacteria [1], the transport of nutrients and dissolved gases [2], fully-coupled interactions of finite-size particles with the flow [3], as well as inter-particulate collisions [4]. Since all relevant scales are resolved, we are able to shed light on phenomena which are not readily accessible in simpler models, or even experiments, of classical water science, such as the effect of spatio-temporal heterogeneities on the inactivation of bacteria. In this talk, the modeling methods applied and their computational difficulties will be presented and the role of high-performance computing in such a multidisciplinary will be evaluated. Visualizations of some results of such DNS will be shown and discussed with regard to their implication on the fate of microorganisms. [1] M. T. Auer and S. L. Niehaus, “Modeling fecal coliform bacteria—I. Field and laboratory determination of loss kinetics,” Water Research, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 693–701, Apr. 1993. [2] B. Kubrak, H. Herlina, F. Greve, and J. G. Wissink, “Low-diffusivity scalar transport using a WENO scheme and dual meshing,” Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 240, pp. 158–173, May 2013. [3] M. Uhlmann, “An immersed boundary method with direct forcing for the simulation of particulate flows,” Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 209, no. 2, pp. 448–476, 2005. [4] A. G. Kidanemariam and M. Uhlmann, “Interface-resolved direct numerical simulation of the erosion of a sediment bed sheared by laminar channel flow,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow, vol. 67, pp. 174–188, 2014.